New website for AELER

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Projet en bref

AELER is a company active in logistics technology (LogTech). Their connected and intelligent containers are technological and ecological innovations for the global transport of goods.

The AELER team commissioned us to build a more professional image of their company, through a brand new website. AELER also needed the marketing team to be able to edit and manage content easily, without having to go through their developers — like any good marketing tool.

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What we have achieved

As with SwissInspect, we applied our website methodology, namely:

  1. Content structuring
  2. UX/UI design
  3. Development

Each stage provides a useful deliverable for the following steps. After modeling the content tree, we were able to propose design ideas, then integrate everything on Webflow.

Thanks to Webflow we have integrated smooth animations, which make the user experience more pleasant.

We collaborated with the marketing team and the design team at AELER, part of which is located in Lisbon.

Thanks to regular meetings, every 2 weeks, and more succinct exchanges on Slack, the project was able to move forward quickly and in an organized manner.

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Image du projet avantImage du projet après

And the result?

The new AELER site is fast and the navigation has been redesigned. It allows the marketing team to be able to modify the content very easily thanks to the Webflow editor.

The image of the scale-up is more professional and encourages prospects to make contact.

A modern and clear professional site!

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Sébastien Flury
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