Website redesign for the EPFL Center for Imaging

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Projet en bref

The EPFL Imaging Center is an EPFL initiative aiming to develop research in the field of imaging and to promote the use of shared tools and resources for the EPFL community. Their team had a fairly non flexible WordPress website, which was rather complex push forward. The best part was that some sections of the website could break after simple modifications. The need to improve it to make it more modern and flexible was quite important.

EPFL Center for Imaging
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Starting off on a clean slate

Given the complexity of the usability due to numerous service providers who worked on the old site, we suggested to start over on a healthy basis with a new technology, Webflow.

Most of the existing content was retained, and we were able to add new features as well while making sure to maintain a clear, solid content architecture that allowed for simple changes later on.

We worked on the different stages of our methodology for websites, namely: personas, sitemap, mockup and a new interface to arrive at the current site. Each stage allowed us to work on a specific aspect of the site and to seek the best quality for the client.

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Technical specs and automating content display

Implemented on Webflow, the site is easy to modify on a regular basis. The communications team at the Imaging Center loves the streamlined and highly functional content management interface. We still had to make sure that the site was published on a Wordpress in the background, because the sites of EPFL laboratories are all published this way.

The information architecture required a multitude of different data to be interconnected, such as laboratory lists and news. Everything is automated for synchronized display via a connection with the EPFL website, which enables content to be imported and displayed automatically for users.

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Team member
Sébastien Flury
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